22nd International Headache Congress - IHC

Registration now open

We are extremely excited about the opportunity to meet and engage with colleagues new and old for the first time in Latin America. Our aim is to make IHC 2025 biggest and broadest International Headache Congress to date.

Click here to register

Registration is now live and the registration portal is accessible on the link above. You will be required to enter your details, select your registration type and enter payment details.

Category Until January 20th, 2025 Until May 26th, 2025 Until September 1st, 2025 After September 1st and onsite
IHS Member USD 650,00 USD 715,00 USD 790,00 USD 870,00
Non IHS Member USD 750,00 USD 825,00 USD 910,00 USD 1.000,00
Physicians - South American Countries (1) and Low, Lower-middle and Upper-middle income countries USD 250,00 USD 280,00 USD 315,00 USD 350,00
Post-graduate students, Master‘s, Fellow Student (3) USD 350,00 USD 390,00 USD 430,00 USD 480,00
Health Care Professionals (4) USD 350,00 USD 390,00 USD 430,00 USD 480,00
Undergraduate students (5) USD 100,00 USD 130,00 USD 160,00 USD 200,00
Day Pass (6) USD 160,00 USD 180,00 USD 200,00 USD 215,00
Accompanying Persons (7) USD 90,00 USD 90,00 USD 90,00 USD 90,00

IHS = International Headache Society


1. South American Countries: Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guiana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

2. Low, Lower-middle and Upper-middle income countries are defined according to the World Bank Country Classification. Check the countries defined by the income at: https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519-world-bank-country-and-lending-groups.

3. Post-graduate students, Master's, Fellow Student: currently a post-graduate student (including but not limited to medical students and PhD students) or a medical doctor training to become a specialist. For medical doctors alternatively within 3 years of obtaining medical doctorate or academic post graduate degree or specialist certification, whichever was obtained latest, up to 15 years following MD qualification. For other academic groups alternatively within 6 years of obtaining latest academic degree up to 15 years following primary qualification. Mandatory to attached a proof of category.

4. Health Care Professionals: Attach declaration from the council/association which is responsible for specialty.

5. Undergraduate Students: Attach mandatory declaration of enrollment or attendance signed and stamped by the educational institution or Updated student card (front and back) or Paid monthly payment slip for the current semester of the educational institution.

6. Day pass: - entrance for a specific day during the congress.

7. Accompanying Persons: Participants registered as "Accompanying Persons" - no have access to the scientific rooms, being restricted to the event common areas and exhibition area only. To register a companion, the congress participant needs to log into their participant area and add them in the 'companions' tab, then they can proceed to make the payment in the 'Make Payment' tab.