Abstract Submission

1.ABSTRACT GUIDELINES – 22nd International Headache Congress (IHC) 2025

Please review this document before finalising your abstract submission.


Abstracts are accepted under the following topics.

  1. Access to Headache Care in low and middle-income countries
  2. AI, Data Science, and Big Data
  3. Cluster Headache and Other Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias
  4. Comorbidity of Primary Headaches
  5. Genetics and Biomarkers of Headache Disorders
  6. Global Burden of Disease
  7. Headache Awareness and Advocacy
  8. Headache Classification
  9. Headache Disorders in Children and Adolescents
  10. Headache Education for Clinicians and Patients
  11. Headache Epidemiology, Outcomes and Burden
  12. Headache and Gender
  13. Headache in History and the Arts
  14. Headache Pathophysiology – Basic Science
  15. Headache Pathophysiology – Imaging and Neurophysiology
  16. Holistic Approach for Headache
  17. Migraine Acute Therapy
  18. Migraine Preventive Therapy
  19. Neuromodulation for Headache
  20. Other Primary Headache Disorders
  21. Other Secondary Headache Disorders
  22. Post-Traumatic Headache
  23. Psychological and Behavioural Factors and Management
  24. Tension-Type Headache
  25. Temporomandibular Disorders
  26. Trigeminal Neuralgia and Other Cranial Neuropathies
  27. Wearable Technologies for Headache
  28. Other


  • Submissions accepted from: 18 November 2024
  • Submission deadline: 5 May 2025 at 23:59 (Brasilia time)
  • Abstracts Review: May 2025
  • Late-breaking abstract submission opens – 31 May 2025
  • Late-breaking abstract submission closes – 15 June 2025

Abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted.


  1. Abstracts can only be submitted online via the abstract submission portal that can be found in the section “ABSTRACTS” on the official Congress website: www.ihc2025.org.
  2. Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  3. There is no limit of submissions per author. There is no limit of authors per submission. Please enter the authors in the desired order.


  • Submitting author: person who submits the abstract.
  • Presenting author: person who will physically present the abstract at the Congress and who is marked as the presenter in the programme.


The IHS Juniors Group will select the best abstracts submitted by Trainees for inclusion within the Excellence Tournament.

The Congress attendees will vote on their favourite presentation within the tournament, the winner will receive a cash prize. If you would like your submission to be considered for this session please tick the appropriate box within the submission process.

Please also complete the Junior Member Verification Form accessed here and send to the organisers along with the abstract submission number.

The abstract submission number (ID) can be found in the [Scientific Registration>>Abstracts] menu. 

Only abstracts with a completed Verification Form will be considered for inclusion in the Tournament. Further details on the Juniors Group and the Trainees Excellence Tournament can be found on the IHS websiteClick here to access.

Click here to download the form.



All abstracts accepted for IHC 2025 will be published in the following places:

  • Cephalalgia Journal – September 2025
  • IHC 2025 Congress app

All abstracts accepted for IHC 2025 will be under embargo until 09:00 (Brasilia time) on the morning of Wednesday 10 September 2025


Failure to observe these guidelines may result in disqualification.

1. An abstract can be submitted to the IHC 2025 if it has been presented or published at a national meeting, however this must be stated during submission. Submissions presented at international Congresses previously will not be accepted. In addition to this, the abstract results must not have been previously published within a journal.

2. The correct topic must be selected to ensure correct scoring. The content of the abstract must be topic related. The Scientific Committee reserve the right to re-categorise an abstract.

3. Abstracts must contain data and meet international ethical standards.

4. Abbreviations should be defined.

5. Trade names cannot be mentioned in the title. However, trade names in brackets will be accepted in the body of the text.

6. An abstract cannot be accepted if the conflict of interest disclosure has not been completed on the submission form. If the presenter or one of the co-authors has a conflict of interest, this must be clearly stated. Accurate disclosures are the authors' responsibility.

7. The abstract cannot contain more than 2,500 characters (approx.700 words) – blank spaces, punctuation, author names, affiliations and titles are included in the character count. The title must contain a minimum of 20 characters and maximum of 300 characters.

8. The abstract must be structured into the following sections: Objective; Methods; Results; Conclusion

9. One table can be included, with the following restrictions:

Max number of columns: 10
Max number of rows: 10

10. Please note that tables may significantly reduce the number of available characters.

11. One figure can be included – this will not be included in the word count.

12. If you have successfully submitted your abstract, you will receive a confirmation number. If no confirmation number is received, the abstract cannot be considered as successfully submitted and accepted.

13. Abstracts fulfilling all criteria can be saved in “FINAL SUBMISSION” status. Only abstracts in “FINAL SUBMISSION” status will be considered as successfully submitted and accepted.

14. If you leave the system without saving the abstract all data is lost. The submitted/draft abstracts cannot be edited after the submission deadline (Monday, 05 May 2025, 23:59 Brasilia time).

15. Please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors. No corrections are possible after the submission deadline. The abstract will be reproduced exactly as submitted. No proof reading will be completed.

16. If you need to withdraw your abstract, a written statement reflecting the reasons for this decision must be sent to camila.mazotti@ccmgroup.com.br - no later than 23 May 2025.


1. The reviewers will judge the abstracts according to the relevance to IHC 2025. They will assess the standard of English, objectivity of statements, description of the work, suitability of methods to aims, conclusions confirmed by objective results, ethics, scientific value, potential clinical value, originality of work and overall impression.

2. The submitting author will be notified during the week commencing 9 June 2025 whether the abstract has been accepted. Notifications will be sent via email to the email address provided during submission. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that emails from IHC 2025 can reach them. Within the notification authors will be informed of the date, time and form of the presentation.


All abstracts accepted for presentation (oral or poster) will be published in digital format within the official Congress app and be published in the IHS journal, Cephalalgia.


1. We understand that not all submitters may be able to attend IHC 2025 Congress in São Paulo in person. We do not want to hinder the submission of abstracts. There will be funding available for some young abstract presenters. Please do submit your abstract for review.

2. During your submission please indicate your preference of presentation format – Oral presentation, Poster presentation or no preference.

3. Oral presentations will be given further information on length of lecture and presentation details closer to the meeting.

4. Full presentation guidelines will be included in the acceptance letter and posted on the Congress website.


If you experience any kind of problem or if you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the abstract management team on the contact details below:

Email: camila.mazotti@ccmgroup.com.br


Click here to proceed with your registration and submit your abstract