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INTRODUCTION: People with demyelinating diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO), despite the evidence of benefits, have reduced the practice of physical exercises, given the fear of worsening the symptoms. This increases physical disability and worsens stability, in addition to reducing muscle strength, mobility and quality of life. In this context, some studies have demonstrated beneficial results of aerobic training on brain gray matter volume and on the white matter tract unit, in addition to greater functional connectivity of the hippocampus and cortex. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the practice of physical exercise by patients with demyelinating diseases in the State of Paraíba. METHODS: A retrospective, cross-sectional study carried out by reviewing the medical records of 115 patients, selected in a non-probabilistic manner and for convenience, with demyelinating diseases in a Multiple Sclerosis center, using the variables sex, age, Body Mass Index (BMI), diagnosis, frequency and category of physical exercise. RESULTS: Among the study participants, a distribution of 101 (87%) patients with MS and 14 (13%) with NMO was observed. There was a predominance of females (70%). In terms of age group, 3% belonged to the age group under 16 years old, 9% from 16 to 25 years old, 34% from 26 to 35 years old, 31% from 36 to 45 years old; 10% from 46 to 55 years old; 10% from 56 to 65 years old and 3% from those over 65 years old. Regarding BMI, 3% had a thin BMI, 49% were eutrophic, 32% were overweight and 16% were obese. Before the diagnosis of MS or NMO, 43% rarely practiced physical exercise and 27% at least 5 days a week. After diagnosis, it was observed that 24% of the patients increased the frequency of physical exercises, 29% decreased it and 47% maintained the frequency. Before the diagnosis, 12% practiced Tension and Aerobic Exercises (TAE); 42% Aerobic Exercise (AE); 18% Tension Exercises (TE); 28% did not practice activities. After diagnosis, 20% practice TAE; 41% AE; 18% TE; 21% do not practice activities. CONCLUSION: A predominance of patients between 26 and 45 years (65%) and the presence of 48% of participants with an overweight or obese BMI is observed. Regarding the practice of physical exercise, it is noted that 76% decreased or maintained the frequency, in addition, an increase of 8% was observed in TAE practitioners and a decrease of 7% in individuals who do not practice physical exercise.

Palavras Chave

Neuromuscular Diseases; Demyelinating Diseases; Exercise.


Doenças Neuromusculares


Louisy Carvalho Araújo, Fernando de Paiva Melo Neto, Camila de Araújo Toscano, Raquel Minervino de Carvalho Sobrinha, Rayana Tavares de Queiroz, Davi Veloso Guerra, Bianca Etelvina Santos de Oliveira