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Epidemiological profile of drugs used in pediatric neurology care of patients with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at a Reference Hospital in Brasília


Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a term used to describe a range of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by persistent deficits in communication and social interaction and by the presence of repetitive or restricted behaviors and/or interests. Its prevalence was estimated, in 2012, between 1 and 5%, in developed countries, and it is increasing in recent years. Due to its impact on patients' quality of life, it is crucial to apply an appropriate and individualized treatment that encompasses behavioral and pharmacological interventions (which do not treat ASD itself, but possible related symptoms, such as agitation and irritability). Objective: To characterize the pharmacological treatment profile used by the pediatric neurology service of the Reference Hospital for patients with ASD. Method: A retrospective, descriptive, cross-sectional cohort study, using data collected from the medical records of patients diagnosed with ASD followed at the Pediatric Neurology service of the Reference Hospital. Results: The medical records of 109 patients with ASD were evaluated, among which there was 1 loss of follow-up. Of the patients evaluated, 19.2% were using antidepressants (n=21) and 45.8% were using antipsychotics (n=50). Among antidepressants, the most used was fluoxetine, used by 52.3% (n=11) of patients using antidepressants, followed by sertraline (47%). Regarding antipsychotics, risperidone was the most used, representing 74% of this group (n=37), followed by pericyazine (14%), aripiprazole (8%) and haldol (6%). 8 additional patients that had used risperidone in the past were identified, but had quit due to lack of response to the medication or side effects. Other medications such as cannabidiol, methylphenidate and anti-epileptics were being used by 19 patients. Conclusion: Pharmacological interventions in autism are reserved for particular situations in ASD and should have their use adjusted to the needs of each patient. The main medications used in the service analyzed were antipsychotics, especially risperidone, the first drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat irritability related to autism, followed by antidepressants. Other pharmacological treatments were implemented to control conditions such as agitation and insomnia, especially after a lack of response to the most commonly used medications, as a way of individualizing treatment.

Palavras Chave

Autistic Spectrum Disorder, child, pharmacological treatment, side effects


Neurologia Infantil


Carla Lenita Coelho Siqueira, Maria Luíza Marinho de Sá de Paula Lima, Gabriel Haiek Fernandes, Lisiane Seguti Ferreira, José Ribamar Pereira Neto