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Validation of the Alternative Version of the Brazilian Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-BR): pilot study


Background: The current version of the Brazilian
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-BR) did not have
a reliable cross-cultural adaptation to Brazilian
Portuguese. In previous stages of this study, the
Alternative Version of the MoCA-BR was developed,
with changes in the sections: Memory and Delayed
Recall, Language and Naming. Objectives: to verify the
influence of cross-cultural adaptation on the performance
of cognitive tools, and the accuracy of the Alternative
Version of the MoCA-BR. Methods: a pilot, prospective,
longitudinal and analytical study. Both versions of the test
were applied in a randomized and cognitively healthy
population, between 18 and 60 years, within a medium
interval of 54,56 days between the questionnaires.
Results: out of 104 participants, 70 were included (64.3%
female, 40.2 years). The alternative version obtained
superior performances in the naming domain (p < 0.001),
and in the adapted sentence in the language domain (p =
0.003). There was no significant difference in the delayed
recall domain. The alternative version showed good
internal consistency, with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.75. The
cut-off point suggested by the study is 27 points, with
sensitivity and specificity of 91.3% and 79.2%,
respectively. Conclusions: Cultural factors affect the
accuracy of cognitive tests, and adaptation is essential for
their use in different countries.

Palavras Chave

Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Dementia, Cross-Cultural adaptation


Neurologia Cognitiva E Do Envelhecimento


Valmir Vicente Filho, Alana Gomes Pecorari, Paulo Henrique Ferreira Bertolucci, Viviane de Hiroki Flumignan Zetola