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Introduction: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra present in the midbrain and in the development of Lewy corpuscles. The pathophysiology of PD may be related to environmental factors (aging, family factors) and genetics. Diagnosis is based primarily on clinical findings and can be characterized by motor and non-motor symptoms, classically resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and hunched posture. When related to non-motor factors, PD can be associated with depression, dementia, autonomic dysfunction and psychosis. Parkinson's disease psychosis (PDP) encompasses minor phenomena such as illusions, hallucinations, and non-visual delusions and can commonly be associated with poorer quality of life. Objective: To analyze the presence of Psychosis in patients with Parkinson's Disease, to point out ways to improve these symptoms and consequently guarantee a better quality of life for both the patient. Methodology: This is a systematic literature review based on data extraction in indexes such as PUBMED and MEDLINE. Publications between 2018 and 2022 were considered, in languages and with the following descriptors: Parkinson disease, neurology, psychosis. Results: The presence of symptoms of psychosis in patients with PD are indicative of a worsening in quality of life, because this symptom is related to sleep disorders, cognitive impairment, depression and, consequently, with the advancement of the disease's pathology. Because of this multifactorial relationship, the treatment of PDP requires investigation of the triggering symptoms, reducing or discontinuing measurements that can induce psychosis, and starting with non-pharmacological treatments. As for pharmacological medications that can prevent this condition, clozapine remains the most indicated drug for the treatment of PDP. As for pharmacological medications that can prevent this condition, clozapine remains the most indicated drug for the treatment of PDP. Conclusion: It is concluded that the way to treat psychosis in patients with PD involves the need to ensure quality of life for patients. As there is no complete cure for the condition, what becomes important in these conditions is to delay the evolution of the pathogenesis so that the patient has a longer and better survival.

Palavras Chave

Parkinson's. Parkinson's disease. Psychosis.


Neurologia Cognitiva E Do Envelhecimento


Andersanny Moura Bernardes, Anderson Moura Bernardes, Italo Felipe Cury, Anderlanny Moura Bernardes