Dados do Trabalho




Introduction: Microcephaly is characterized by a neurological disease in which the child presents a decrease in brain diameter, causing motor sequelae, speech delay, behavioral disorders and craniofacial development. These characteristics also affect the child's oral health, because most of them present oral changes such as: periodontal diseases, dental caries, malocclusion, micrognathia, delayed dental eruption, dysphagia, bruxism and dental trauma that may have a direct and negative impact on their health. In this sense, the present study has as its main objective to analyze the craniofacial and dental alterations in patients with microcephaly. Method: This is a cross-sectional observational study with patients with microcephaly treated in Paraíba, which used a structured questionnaire divided into two parts: the first with questions regarding socioeconomic data and the second regarding data related to the object of study. The data was collected through the Google form and then tabulated by Excel. Results: 48 children were attended, 54% female and 46% male. 47% of the public examined were between 5 and 6 years old, with a family income of one to two minimum wages, making up 79% of the sample. All participants had significant neurological alterations, presenting seizures, spasms, motor deficits, and cognitive deficits. Regarding craniofacial alterations, the following were identified: lack of lip seal, tongue projection, and palate alterations. Regarding oral health, 49% visited the dentist once a month, and the reason for the visit was the need for treatment and follow-up. 90% use the public service, 57% report difficulty in finding a specialized dentist, 91% of caregivers reported difficulty in performing oral hygiene, for reasons of limited mouth opening, reflux, agitation and aggressiveness, 88% use a fluoride toothbrush and toothpaste for hygiene. Of the total sample, 32% of patients had no need for treatment and 68% had some need for treatment such as: prophylaxis, tartar removal, fillings and extractions. Conclusion: This work provided a better understanding of craniofacial and dental changes in patients with microcephaly, a topic little explored in research, in order to collaborate to improve the provision of care for these patients and promote quality of life.

Palavras Chave

Microcephaly. Oral Health. Dental Caries.


Neurologia Infantil


Andryel de Morais Gomes, Júlia de Melo Nunes, Camilla Vanessa Araujo Soares, Éric Moreira Menezes, Pedro Nascimento Araújo Brito, Raquel Barbosa de Menezes, Lucas Emmanuel Freitas Mendes, Luiz Felipe Nogueira de Figueiredo Lobo, Wilton Wilney Nascimento Padilha, Juliana Sousa Soares de Araújo