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Hospital admissions for stroke and stroke in adults before and during the covid-19 pandemic. An analysis of DATASUS.


Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous evidences have demonstrated a close relationship between severe acute respiratory syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the development of serious neurological manifestations, such as stroke. Given that Brazil was one of the countries most affected by the pandemic, an analysis of the variation in the number of hospitalizations for stroke before and during the pandemic period is essential. Objective: To carry out an investigative analysis of changes in the epidemiological profile regarding the number of hospitalizations for stroke in Brazil during the pandemic in view of the pre-pandemic period. Methodology: Epidemiological, retrospective, cross-sectional and quantitative study, which collected data from the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS) regarding the occurrence of hospitalizations for stroke in Brazil in adults aged between 20 and 39 years, in a period of 24 months before the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic compared to 24 months after its onset. The study included hospitalizations for strokes not specified as ischemic (istroke) or hemorrhagic (hstroke) (ICD-10 I64), transient ischemic strokes (ICD-10 G45) and cerebrovascular syndromes (ICD-10 G46). variables studied were: number of hospitalizations, age group, sex and color/race. Statistical analysis was performed using the Excel program, using the Collective Health measures present in descriptive statistics. Results: 18,733 hospitalizations were observed during the pre-pandemic period and 17,394 during the pandemic period. In the male population, there was a variation from 8,367 to 7,956 and in the female population, from 10,366 to 9,438. In adults aged 20 to 29 years, the variation was from 5,508 to 5,111 and in the age group from 30 to 39 years, it was from 13,225 to 12,283 The only variable that showed an increase was in the indigenous population, with an increase of 5.55 %, however the number of reported cases was small, from 18 cases before the pandemic to 19 cases during the pandemic period. Conclusion: In general, as in the group analyses, there were no changes regarding the number of hospitalizations comparing the pre-pandemic period with the first two years of the pandemic by SARS-COV-2 in SUS through DATASUS.

Palavras Chave



Doença Cerebrovascular


Aline Rabelo Rodrigues, Daniella Rocha Soares, Gustavo Sales França, Ana Maria dos Santos Oliveira, Luana Frizzo, Iago Alvino Cordeiro, Bernardo Caetano Novaes, Louise Bruns Willrich, Marcos Christiano Lange