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Multiple sclerosis mortality in Brazil: a retrospective analysis from 2016 to 2020
Introduction: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory and chronic immune-mediated disease, being the most common primary demyelinating pathology of the central nervous system. It presents a high diversity of motor and sensory clinical manifestations, with a progressive degenerative evolution, and usually affects young and middle-aged adults.
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess MS mortality rates in Brazil over the five years 2016-2020, with a comparative analysis of the descriptive variables sex, age, and region.
Methodology: The research was carried out through an epidemiological, retrospective, descriptive, and cross-sectional study of information available at SIM/DATASUS and IBGE. Subsequently, annual mortality per million inhabitants was calculated by region of the country, with subsequent adjustment of the descriptive variables sex and age.
Results: There were 1518 deaths from MS during the 2016-2020 five-year period, among which 922 (60.74%) were female deaths, while 596 (39.26%) were male. In addition, there was a predominance of deaths in the Southeast region, with a total of 695 (45.78%). However, in the analysis of the number of deaths per million inhabitants, the South region, with an average of 2.13 deaths/million inhab., presented the highest rate over the five years of analysis. In sequence, in descending order, are the Southeast region (1.58 deaths/million inhab.), Midwest (1.55 deaths/million inhab.), Northeast (1.03 deaths/million inhab.) and, finally, in the North (0.95 deaths/million inhab.). It is worth noting that the mortality profile has changed little over the years of work analysis. Furthermore, in the analysis of mortality by age, the age range younger than 19 years old presented the lowest number of deaths in the period. From adulthood onwards, the constant growth in mortality was remarkable until reaching the peak, in the range of 50 to 59 years, with a total of 383 deaths from MS (25.23%), followed by the age cut from 60 to 69 years, with 342 deaths (22.52%), with a subsequent decline in rates with advancing age.
Conclusion: Given the data analyzed, it was clear that the South region had the highest mortality per million inhabitants, followed by the Southeast region. In addition, mortality from MS in women was substantially higher than mortality in men. Finally, the age group that comprises the end of adulthood and the beginning of the elderly was the one with the highest number of deaths.
Palavras Chave
Multiple Sclerosis: Epidemiology: Mortality
Rodrigo Mariano Ribeiro, José Arnaldo Mota Arruda, Anna Melissa Noronha Oliveira, Sophia Costa Vasconcelos, Luciano de Albuquerque Mota, Emanuel de Assis Bertulino Martins Gomes, Lucas Soares Radtke, Fernando Degani Vazquez, Maria Suelly Nogueira Pinheiro, Pedro Vitor Ferreira