Dados do Trabalho


Effects of the Personal Stroke program on functional independence and risk factor self-management.


The Personal Stroke program is based on the social cognition theory and aims to induce long term behavioral changes, proposing an intervention centered on the individual and on the community. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of the Personal Stroke program on improving the level of functional independence and risk factor management in post-stroke individuals. This is a single-arm, non-randomized, uncontrolled clinical trial with a non-probabilistic sample. Individuals with a clinical diagnosis of stroke, up to 18 years-old and who had access to the internet were admitted to the study. Those who had severe cognitive impairment assessed by the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), clinically important musculoskeletal or neurological conditions and who were bedridden were excluded. Individuals were evaluated at baseline (A1) and 6 months after (A2), using the following instruments: Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and Stroke Riskometer. Data were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation (sd) and frequency. Seven individuals were included in the study, all female, literate, with a mean age of 38.8 years-old ( 9.1 sd), a single vascular event, with the most prevalent ischemic etiology (71.4%) and with a mean injury time of 30.2 months. The Riskometer results show a 1.6% reduction in the average 10 years risk of a new stroke after the intervention, (A1: 16 (0.64) and A2: 14.4 (4)), while the 5 years risk increased by 0.41% (A1: 10.59 (0.3) and A2: 11 (0.83)). The FIM scores had an increase of 12.2% in the average of the general score (A1: 104.5 (9.7) and A2: 116.7 (7)) and in the mRs was observed a reduction of 0.5 (A1: 2.6 (0.8) and A2: 2.1 (0.9)). The Personal Stroke program was not able to produce an important reduction in the self-management of risk factors but could promote better outcomes in the functional independence measures.

Palavras Chave

Stroke, Secondary Prevention, Self-Management, Rehabilitation.




Ana Beatriz Cavalcante Carvalho, Adna Karolinne Fonseca, Letícia Silva Costa, Italo Darlan Soares Costa, Emilly Holanda Bezerra, Maria Laizy Ribeiro Alves, Weybkenedy José Oliveira Santos, Monalisa Silva França, Clebeson Azevêdo Nogueira, Roberta Oliveira Cacho