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The prevalence of vestibular syndromes in a brazilian tertiary center


Introduction: Vestibular symptoms are common complaints and sometimes challenging to discriminate among different syndromes and etiologies. A great number of these patients are referred to the neurologist, who must be able to determine whether there is a central or peripheral cause for the problem, as the management and therapy are very distinct in each situation. Objectives: The goal of this study was to quantify the most frequent vestibular syndromes in a tertiary dizziness reference department Methods: Data of 1649 patients between 1999 and 2022 were evaluated retrospectively in our institution. These data were analyzed and the diagnoses of these most frequent vestibular syndromes were established by anamnesis, physical examination, and vestibular tests and images when necessary. Results: The most common syndromes were: benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo (BPPV) (24.2%), central vertigo (12.7%), migraine (8.6%), perceptual postural persistent dizziness (PPPD) (7.8%), Menière disease (6.5%), clinical non-neurological causes (7.4%), vestibular neuritis (4.9%), other causes (26.7%), and undetermined (1.2%). Discussion: Our findings are in similar to the literature, and show that the most frequent causes of vertigo can be treated and have good prognosis. A small difference in number of some diagnosis may have different reasons such as publications new diagnostic criteria for vestibular migraine, and changes the referral system in our institution. Conclusion: The knowledgement of the epidemiology in a reference dizziness department is important for the best planning and conducting those patients. The early diagnosis and most adequate treatment are critical since these syndromes may have a good prognosis when correctly handled.

Palavras Chave

Vestibular Syndromes; Dizziness; Vertigo; BPPV; PPPD; Migraine; Vestibular Neuritis; Menière Disease; Central Vertigo


Distúrbio Vestibulares e do Equilíbrio


Fernando Henrique Magri Alves, Emanuelle Roberta da Silva Aquino, Cristiana Borges Pereira