XX Semana Brasileira do Aparelho Digestivo

Dados do Trabalho


Direct and indirect gastrointestinal manifestations caused by COVID-19 infection – Systematic Review


Introduction – In December 2019 the new coronavirus appeared in Wuhan, province of Hubei, China, presenting as an international concern of public health emergencies. It was noticed that this disease has multisystemic impact affecting several organs of the human body.


Objective – The purpose of this paper is to raise on the emerging literature about both direct and indirect conse-quences through SARS coronavirus by-2- (o-COVID 19) into the gastrointestinal system, through an integrative review on the published studies between 2019 and 2021 which have enabled us to gather knowledge about the disease, such as new protocols, new indication, information and im-pacts of the virus on worldwide public health when referred to the gastrointestinal system. TRENDS, informs tio es and impacts of v e rus in the sa ú of world public when we refer to Gastro-intestinal system.


Methods – Literature review published between December 2019 and January 2021 on electronic bases, where articles were selected based on levels of evidence and correlated with the objectives of the study.


Results – Articles that link COVID-19 and the gastrointestinal sys-tem were identified, explaining pathophysiology, possible prognosis, approaches reviewed in case reports in patients.


Conclusion – Direct and indirect impact of COVID-19 infection caused a review and change in clinical and surgical conditions during a pandemic, impacting the approach to oppor-tunistic procedures, pancreatitis, nutritional issues, acute mesenteric ischemia and other surgical surgeries in the gastrointestinal system.


Key-Words: Covid-19. System. Gastrointestinal


Gastroenterologia - Miscelânea


Dulcyane Ferreira De Oliveira, Marcello Facundo do Valle Filho, Denis Alves Pinho, Giovanna Piva, Ana Catarina Dutra Rebelo, Thalita Giovanna Diniz Silva