CPU 2024

Dados do Trabalho


Study of the therapeutic potential of nanoformulation containing Acmella oleracea (L.) extract for the treatment of men with premature ejaculation


INTRODUCTION: Acmella oleracea, also known as toothache plant, is a plant species popular in the Amazon region for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. It has gained attention due to its unique sensory properties, producing a tingling sensation. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the clinical action of a nanoformulation containing ethanolic extract of A. oleracea inflorescences in men with premature ejaculation. Significant constituents in the extracts were identified based on gas chromatographic analysis. METHODS: During the study, participants were given a spray preparation that contained A. oleracea extract and were instructed to use it locally on the penis for five minutes before sexual intercourse for 12 weeks. Patient couples were required to record the mean intravaginal latency time to ejaculation (IELT). We also assessed participants using the HAMA scale that scores respondents according to their level of anxiety. RESULTS: During spray treatment, the A. oleracea nanoformulation increased participants' IELT values (293 s) compared to baseline values (193 s), confirming the clinical action in men with premature ejaculation. Participants demonstrated good tolerance to the spray and had no systemic side effects or incidence of local effects. In terms of pathological anxiety, three of the participants were classified as moderate, three as mild and one as severe and, in relation to the IIEF-5, three were normal, three were mild and one was moderate. CONCLUSION: A. oleracea can be considered a potential therapeutic alternative with benefits for male patients with premature ejaculation. This formulation is believed to promote penile desensitization, which is attributed to the presence of spilanthol in an extract derived from A. oleracea inflorescences. However, as this study involved few participants, further multicenter studies are needed to confirm the observations.

Palavras Chave

N-alkylamide; sexual activity; sexual dysfunction




Coortes retrospectivas ou prospectivas


Hellen Karine Santos Almeida, Fábio Tenorio da Silva, Karina Dias Rocha, Gisele Rocha Lopes, Maria Eduarda Garcia de Azevedo , , Henrick Vinícius Prado Dantas, Alana Carla Vasconcelos da Silva, Lecildo Lira Batista, Thiago Afonso Teixeira, José Carlos Tavares Carvalho