Maryam Lustberg MD MPH is a breast medical oncologist and currently serves as Chief of Breast Oncology and Director of the Breast Center at Yale Cancer Center in New Haven Connecticut. She is the co-chair of Symptom Intervention for the USA National Cancer Institute Alliance Clinical Trials and is the immediate Past President of MASCC, an international organization devoted to improving cancer supportive care throughout the globe. Clinically she treats men and women with all stages of breast cancer with a focus on personalizing all aspects of cancer care incorporating latest advances in therapeutics as well as optimization of symptom management strategies and delivery of holistic person centered care. Her research is centered on biomarkers of therapeutic response and toxicity as well as cancer treatment symptom management and survivorship care optimization.
10:30 às 11:00 - KEYNOTE LECTURE
10:30 às 10:50 - Otimizando o Manejo da Vida Pós-Câncer: Desafios e Estratégias na Jornada da Paciente com Câncer de Mama Triplo-Negativo
14:35 às 15:35 - Sessão 5 – Hot Topics em pacientes jovens, fertilidade e disparidade em câncer de mama: o que aprendemos em 2024
14:50 às 15:05 - Fertilidade e Câncer de Mama: Abordagens e Lacunas no Conhecimento Atual